Sandi, Sounds strange to me. I believe that I've had FMS all my life and for many yrs of my life - I taught math. I actually like working w/ numbers and solving puzzles. I analyze things to death, just ask my family . I, too would like to see his 'research'.
I talk a multi vitamin, 2 fish oil pills, and 3 malic and mag pills each day.
I am right handed, the only thing I can do w/ my left is snap my fingers (can't do it w/ my right, tho). My father could do math like a wiz, add a long strip of numbers up in his head, and use both hands to do about anything, he had the most beautiful handwriting & he also had dyslexia. After about 3-5 min, my handwriting is horrible, but my numbers are I also like to do many crafts, and some of them require math skills, so there is no escape for the two sides of my brain. I think your dr. needs some adjustments .
God bless. Alice.