Hi, Deb, and welcome! I almost missed your posts! I'm glad you decided to join in. You have come to a great place. We have wonderful people here that have good ideas that will help you live a full and enjoyable life with fibromyalgia!
Be sure to check out the Fibro 101 thread...the second thread on the forum. There are links to good info all about fibro. You will learn a lot there. Also read back posts. There is a world of info in them, too.
Yes, fibro can be mighty depressing at times but I find that if I don't dwell on it, the pain can fade in the background some. I know this is so new to you and, since there are so many symptoms, each new thing that pops up can be scarey. That's why it's good to learn all you can about fibro and come here and read and ask questions. We have been there and done that! This will help aleviate your fears and you will feel better.
Fibro fog. You have to have a sense of humor with it. I'll never forget when I tried to start my car with the key to my freezer! I have done so many dumb things, but we all have and that's alright. Don't be hard on yourself about that. Learn to laugh about it and move on. Plus, you sound like you are stressed out. Deb, this can make the pain and fog worse. Try to relax about it. We will help you and you will learn how to control your pain. When the pain is more under control and you aren't so frightened about things, the pain should get better and the fog too. The more you think about it the worse it gets...especially the fog!
I take ibuprofen and Tylenol for my pain and I just started taking malic acid/magnesium supplements and they help with pain and fatigue. They have helped me but they don't work for everyone. There is a link all about them in the Fibro 101 thread. Read it and see what you think.
Moist heat and hot showers feel great for those muscles. Many here have Bed Buddies. They have beans in them and you heat them in the microwave and they give off moist heat for about a half an hour. Rice bags do that too. You can make a small rice bag. Take a tube sock, fill it about 2/3's full of raw long grained rice, and tie a knot at the top. Voila! A rice bag! LOL
Light exercise is important. If you sit or lay too much, you will be stiff as a board! Walking is a wonderful exercise for fibro and also swimming. There is a link in the Fibro 101 thread that has some great stretching exercises in it. They really do work and are done sitting down. So, if you have a desk job, you could print these out and do them occasionally during the day. They help to keep the muscles more flexible.
You will need to learn to pace yourself when doing things. You can't do things in the same time frame as you used to, but it can all still get done.
You are right. Life will not be the same but that doesn't mean it will be bad. I have done a lot of traveling...even to Europe...with fibro. I have been snorkling in the Caribbean and parasailing in Jamaica with fibro! Just because you have fibro doesn't mean you have to stop living! You just can't let fibromyalgia control you. There is always a way of working around it. So, look around at the many blessings you DO have and don't dwell on the pain. Focus on things you like to do and the pain will fade in the background some. You do have a great life ahead of you and we will help you get there.
I'm so glad you are here and I hope to hear more from you soon.