So mine are ridges that are horizontal...literally came on a month after my symptoms started. I have had SO many tests-blood, MRI, EMG blah blah-all fine. I went to an LLMD and they suspect lyme but mainly off my symptoms and the fact that every other test has been fine. I just have a hard time accepting it I guess since I live in the city.
I have ZERO tender points for fibro.
I seem to get flares--lately I have been getting random numbness on odd spots on my right hand.
I think the worst of my sx are nerve pains.
So I wonder if beaus lines can relate to fibro. I read it could be caused by a system or metabolic illness if they are consistent lines, if just only occuring once then its after an illness like pnemonia.
I just keep worry that something else is going on with me and its going undetected. My sx are scary!!