Hi, ibLorna, and welcome! I'm so sorry that you are having so many problems. You sure have been through a lot. The stress of only one or two things can bring on the pain big time! But we are here to help you.
I see that Margie directed you to the Fibro 101 thread...the second thread on the forum. There are links there with good information about fibromyalgia that might help you. There are some good stretching exercises there that might help you, too. You do need to keep moving with fibro. If you sit or lay too long, you will be stiff as a board and have more pain. Walking is a good exercise and it doesn't cost a thing!
Moist heat helps many here. A hot shower can feel so good and some here use a Bed Buddy. You can make one yourself. Just take a tube sock, fill it 2/3's full of raw long grained rice and tie a knot on the end. This can be put in the microwave to heat up and it gives off moist heat. (Do not wet it. The moisture is in the dry rice!) This feels good on those achy muscles, too.
In the Fibro 101 thread there is a link to malic acid/magnesium supplements. These help some members, including me, with pain and fatigue. Read about them and see what you think. I also use ibuprofen (with food) and Tylenol for pain. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you try anything. I'm just giving out suggestions here.
I'm so glad you found us! You have come to a great place because we have wonderful people here that have good ideas to help you live a full and enjoyable life. The bonus is that we really do care about each other, too! So jump right in with questions, read back posts too. Before you know it, you will be feeling better and not so alone anymore! Hope to hear more from you soon.