It's love. This is rather ironic but 21 months ago when Michael was killed fibro used my weakness and grief to move into my body deeper and stronger than it had been before. Of course I was depressed over losing someone I loved so dearly. But as most of you know the past few months of Ken's ill health has been stressful on me and hopefully everything is fixed now and he will be on the road to recovery. However, I have noticed something since he has not been feeling well and been in the hos three times in the past couple of months and that is my love for my rock, my soul mate, my husband is stronger than fibro.
Fibro didn't stop me from driving the long distance back and forth to the hos even though it made my muscles tight and painful. It didn't stop me from sitting in uncomfortable chairs while waiting for hours even though it would make my back hurt and I couldn't find a comfy position to sit in. Fibro didn't stop me from walking the long distance from the parking garage to his room which seemed like a quarter mile everytime I walked it even when the arches of my feet would hurt and my leg muscles would get sore. Fibro didn't stop me from getting up to check on him every few minutes when he came home to make sure he wasn't bleeding from the artery they went in while he slept even though I was tired myself. Fibro nor his friend arthritis hasn't stopped me from doing the grocery shopping for my man so he would have the food he wanted to eat even though my hands would ache from picking up stuff three different times and pushing a cart that felt like it weighed a ton all over the store. Fibro really tried to bring me down with feeling like my body had beaten all over and I didn't think I could take another step but it lost to love.
I have also found that without Ken to take up the slack around here I can do more than I thought I could, not that I'm anywhere near to what I would like to be able to do. The arthritis in my hands are always going to be a big issue. I have also realized my love for Krissy has made me move a lot more than I was before we got her.
So the secret here is you have to love those around you enough to weaken fibro. Now I know what keeps the young mothers on here going way past the point of fatigue.
luv and hugs