Dear RealPain: The doctor reviewed my meds, criticized how many there were, even found fault with one he himself had written (as if I had changed it, huh?), He called me an addict and said he knows lots of people with Fibromyalgia but none who need even mild pain relievers and something to help them sleep. I can imagine why. I can see folks tearing out of his office at the speed of light when he tells them they just have to 'tough it out'. i cannot imagin going through my bad days with no relief. I try everything I can before I resort to medicine, exercises, heat packs, massaging back support, distraction, gentle music, candles, warm baths. If I still hurt, I take medicine. I do not see the virtue in suffering. I have a driver when I have to go out when I take meds. My kids are grown. I am not hurting anybody. So why the dramatics. I shook hands with him, told him the nickname they had for him in emerg (which put him a bit off guard, I think) and we parted on Adult terms. I will see him in April, again. Now I am beginning to look forward to getting my own life in order once I've got these old folks settled, whereever. Thank-you all.