So yesterday I saw a new doctor at this low cost clinic in SC. I was a little skeptical at first. I mean, I hate to stereotype, but sometimes when you hear the words "free" or "low-cost," you automatically think that you aren't gonna get the proper care.
Anyway, after paying my $30, I was introduced to a young internal medicine specialist (no rheumys there). She totally listened to what I had to say and agreed that we should tackle one illness at a time (I've got some other stuff going on, too). She understood that I am a recovering addict (she even congratulated me on my 12+ years of sobriety) and worked WITH me and not AGAINST me when it came to pain meds.
She got me on a program where I can get free (not low cost, but FREE!) Lyrica. She also did some bloodwork because lupus has stull not been ruled out (along with RA and MS). I left the clinic feeling very hopeful and happy that someone took me seriously. I just hope the Lyrica works!
So, on my way home, I stopped by my parent's house to pick up some of my mail that was sent there. I noticed a thick envelope from the Social Security Office concerning my application for Disability. I wasn't shocked at all that I was declined (Isn't everyone their first time?). But, for some reason, I just started to cry.
I felt horrible that I was leeching off of my parents and getting them to pay for 95% of everything for me. I was also afraid of what my mom would say when I told her that I had been declined. When she saw me crying and asked what was wrong, I told her between sobs. I was shocked when she just hugged me and said, "We knew the first one wouldn't be approved. It's OK." I couldn't believe that she wasn't freaking out!
Anyway, I intend to reapply. Also, the Mental Health Clinic I go to has someone there who can help me-before I go to a lawyer and have him/her take half of my money IF I I ever get approved.
So, that was my good/bad day yesterday. At least Kelly Clarkson's new album, "All I Ever Wanted" was released, LOL.
I recommend that everyone go buy it (there's a standard edition and a deluxe edition with DVD clips, etc.) LOL-don't you love how I promote her album in my post? Yes? No? Well, I really do think listening to her cures fibro.
Thanks for, READING this babbling post.