I had panic attacks for years & really hated them. Are you taking anything for them? The best advice I ever got was from a Doctor who told me not to worry about them so much. He told me the worst thing that was going to happen was I would pass out from the worry of the attack & wake up & the attack would be gone, I would not die. Easy fix. LOL Well, I really thought about that & finally understood, for me, they were from the worry & stress, so I got some little brown bags to breath in when I needed to & just ignored them for the most part. I would think about passing out & find a comfy place, just in case, ignored them & they went away. If yours are physical, meaning caused by something physical, this wouldn't help of course. I hope you get a good answer for yourself soon. We have enough to worry about with Fibro.
It sounds like your body is saying "no, stay home" I have learned that if it is possible, I need to listen to that voice. If I absolutely have to go out, I make it as quick as possible & come straight home. You have an illness & we all have a tendency to think it is an illness we need to learn to ignore, to push through & act like it doesn't exist but it does. If you had cancer, would you make yourself do some of the things you feel must be done, right after Chemo? Yes, we want to push our limits slowly but we need to listen when our bodies say "no". To go ahead & do it anyway is called "push & crash", if you push then expect the crash. It took me a long time to get real with my illness. To not feel guilty if I couldn't do the things I tell myself I should be able to do. Take care of yourself & I hope you get your panic attacks under control, I know they can be so hard to deal with. Relax & use you moist heating pad & don't feel guilty. Many soft hugs, Denise