HI! I"m new, I" have fibro, low thyroid, they also say these two go together,started hurting when I was 18, I had a baby at 15 raised him on my own till he was six,met my husband for years I don't think he believed in fibro, I raised his mine and our one child that makes 5 under constant stress from his ex. and other situations, love my kids, love my husband and now at 43 I have 5 grand children love them dearly , and that has really kept me going, but like all of you ,there are days I just would love to stay in bed and I can't , for one I don't give up two , I have to work, luckly my job at a small construction company, and with whom I"m friends with helps a great deal. I have a sister on disablitly partly from the fibro, my mother has it also , my sister, all diagnosed from different doctors,lived on a farm growing up , my mothers theory is that it was all of the pestisides we were around, and still eat all this food with hormones and junk it to preserve it, I would love to have one day aweek with no pain, When my father died of cancer and my father in law passed away also with lung cancer two weeks apart I got so bad I thought i had bone cancer or ms or something , that was when I was diagnosed , one doctor thought I needed counseling , I just needed to sleep , told her I could handle the pain better if I could sleep all through the night, She asked me if I had thougth about killing my self , Duh, I have a family would never do such a thing , I NEED TO SLEEP !!! The theory that we don't go into deep sleep mode and our muscles just don't get the rest they need I believe that one. !! But IF i do SLEEP for too long in one position, Boy do I pay the next day !!! OH well we just keep doing what we can!! Didn't aim to type so much!! Thanks for listening !!