My right leg from my hip to my foot is soooo painful! It feels as though someone has grabbed/pulled my muscles and set them on fire!
It is painful to sit straight up(using the potty is torture) and my shin feels like it got slammed with a baseball bat. I am not able to put all my weight on my leg either. The pain can get increasingly worse by standing to long(getting a drink or trying to make a sandwich or even brushing my teeth is bringing me to tears) or my shin or my knee are going to burn up and explode. I have been having massive muscle twitches up and down my leg.
I have pushed through a lot of painful times for work, but I just can't with this.
On wednesday last week I was at work, doing my usual and my hip/leg started to feel different than the normal types of aches and pains that I get and it just got increasingly worse as the day went on. By the time I got into bed that night I was in tears. I already had an appt. to see my internist on friday a.m. so I stayed home thursday to rest. On friday a.m. I was just as bad as wednesday. The doc sent me to due x-rays b/4 I went home and OMG, talk about
painful. He told me he thought it was a pinched nerve. (Mind you, my back doesn't hurt at all.) He told me to see him in a week and he was to give me a letter for work. Hmmm, never gotten one of those b/4. He put on the letter that I am to be off work for this whole week, doctors orders.
Well I definitely don't feel up for work at all. I can barely walk to the kitchen and the bathroom without my cane. Like I said b/4, sitting straight up is painful.
I wish I had a laptop computer right now, this sitting at my desk is too hard. I just wanted to share and see if any one else can relate with this and losing so much time at work in one shot. I will be using up the rest of my sick and vacation time if I stay home all week. Its freakin' me out.
Well I got to get back to my recliner, the best position I can get into with the least amount of pain.
Miss you all, wish I could read all of the threads....its been days.
P.S. I am taking some pain meds, but the pain is still powering through. I probably could take more but I don't like being totally out of it.