Hi, luvspringflowers, and welcome! Fibromyalgia is a curious illness. Fibromyalgia waxes and wanes. Sometimes you are in a lot of pain and other times you are much better. I have had fibro for 22 years and have never been without pain. But, I have learned how to manage the pain and have had a full and enjoyable life with fibro. We need to focus on the positive things in our life and I think you will find that the pain will fade a little in the background. I don't think about how I am feeling. I never ask myself that. That will only cause anxiety. Instead, I know what I need to do and what I need to take in order to control the pain so I can do what I planned for the day. So, keep a positive outlook on life and look forward to each new day with anticipation. You can have wonderful times, even though you have fibromyalgia.
I do not take any of the "high powered" meds for my pain and fatigue. I use ibuprofen with food and extra strength Tylenol for pain. I also take malic acid/magnesium supplements for pain and fatigue. These don't work for everyone but many, including me, have had good results with this supplement. It might be worth a try. You see, many with fibro are deficient in these two nutrients.
Many with fibromyalgia are also deficient in vitamin D. I live in Florida and who would have thought I'd be deficient in D! I am presently taking 3,500 IU of D3 a day to try to get in the normal ranges. Some members are taking much more. Vitamin D deficiency can cause pain and fatigue also, along with other problems, so it would be good to get that checked out at your next doctor's visit.
Be sure to check out Fibro 101....the second thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibromyalgia including a list of symptoms and also a link all about malic acid/magnesium supplements and how they work in your body. There are some great stretching exercises that you can do sitting down, too. You will learn a whole lot if you read that thread all the way through.
Moist heat is great for fibro. I love a hot shower. Many use Bed Buddies. You can get these at Walgreen's and other places or you can make one yourself by taking a tube sock, filling it 2/3's full of raw long grain rice and tying a knot at the end. Microwave it and it gives off moist heat due to the moisture in the rice.
It is important to keep moving with fibro. If you sit or lay too much, you will be stiff as a board! The gentle exercises in the Fibro 101 thread are really good and do help. Walking is a great weight bearing exercise and will help keep your bones strong, to boot! If you have access to a pool, that is great also.
Be sure to pace yourself. You can't get things done in the same time frame as you used to before fibro. But, it will all get done. Just start chipping away at what you need to do and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish! Be sure to give yourself a big pat on the back too. Fibromyalgia is not for sissies so you deserve a lot of credit for the things you do.
I'm so glad you have found us and joined in. You have come to a good place. We have wonderful members that love to help one another and, as a bonus, we really do care about each other, too! So, read the Fibro 101 thread, back posts, and ask questions. We are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon!