So this new approach: I am going to be in pain anyway, so I might as well do what I want to do . . . didn't quite work out like I had hoped.
Oh well, live and learn. I live on an acre and it always needs work. I pulled a huge amount of weeds, cleaned up the torn down duck and chicken pen, rototilled the old pen, transplanted a lot of plants from pots to the ground or to bigger plants, cleaned up a huge overgrown morning glory, and mowed a 3,000 sf patch of foxtails that hubby had killed for me and more things. Did this over several days, in addition to my regular responsibilities.
Now I am experiencing more pain, less stamina, less endurance, more edema (if that is related), less sleep. For example, today I went to the grocery store and got a few things and could barely walk by the time I was done and had to lie down for an hour.
There is something to this pacing yourself approach! My mother said I always had to learn things the hard way.