Why, Thank-You for asking. I keep my life as simple as I possibly can, barring familial obligations, my dad and my son who appears to be struggling. I studied Zen Meditation for many years. Everything I do (except lie in bed curled up in pain) I enjoy to the ultimate. I have to walk the dogs twicea day (son does the two evening walks. While we're walking I'm noticing the cloud patterns in the sky, and where the crows are perched relative to where their young might be, in their nests. If you pay attention to pairs of birds, you'll see the female perches close to the nest, the male takes a far perspective from way up high, on alert
for mauraders. I say hello to the children and friendly folk along the way. When I go to the grocery store, I notice little touches, like how they put the milk as far from the front door as possible, so you have to wander through all the tempting displays. Finally, I have a few friends, forever, from long ago, who email me really funny excerps from their lives. This is best of all. I also watch want ads for someone who might need a helping hand, like one lady who returned to her home from away, her ex had left with everything, including her clothes. She posted in the want ads, pls. help. Need clothes. I dug some up, called her, met her, gave her some neat stuff I rarely wear, (I'm a jeans and t-shirt gal, business dresses were from another lifetime. I just try to make the best of each and every day'I don't often have a plan when I awake; unless someone has an appointment somewhere, I wait to see what pops up, and how well I feel with regard to gardening or not. In the summer I attend music concerts, they give back much more energy than they take. Also, I know a lot of the local musicians, so I get updated on what's going on, with everyone. I try to keep a positive attitude. I will do as much as I can do on any given day, to the best of my ability, then I accept my limitations. This mindset did not come easy. Once you realise you have little or no control, you adopt an attitude of acceptance, and let's face it, life is just a series of adaptations. That's about
it. Finally, I'm working on remembering the Desiderata. "Go placidly among the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence." That's how much I got so far. Love ya'll