I've mentioned here a couple of times that my throat has been sore for about
a week now. I had chalked it up to fibro or maybe chronic fatigue because I haven't had a fever or any other symptoms. Today, though, I decided enough is enough and went to my local walk in clinic (my regular Dr. wasn't going to be able to see me for ages) Anyway...they did a swab and it turns out I have strep throat! Boy, did I feel kind of dumb. Here I was, thinking "no way do I have strep" since I haven't had a fever, but the Dr. said although fevers are common with strep, they aren't always present. In fact, some people can have strep throat without any symptoms at all!
(scary thought!) I have been feeling run down, but Hello! I have fibro! Feeling run down isn't an odd occurrence for me, haha. Anyway-I'm super glad I went to the Dr. and had this checked out and got an antibiotic. Just goes to show that sometimes things DO go wrong in our bodies that have nothing to do with fibro!