I'm not on narcotics for pain but that is my choice because of so many side effects and stomach issues. I do have vicodin in the cabinet if I ever choose to try it. I also have a very bad medphobia so I will probably never try it. I do envy those sometimes that are on pain meds and today is one of those days. It is so hot out and the air is so thick you can just feel the storms coming and even though I have only been out a few times to take the puppies potty my body knows the storms are coming. I don't get how our bodies know when we are setting in air conditioned houses but they do. So take the advice of other's and keep a pain journal and find a new doc that will work with you on being comfy or at least more comfy. I do feel that the amitriptyline I'm on helps with the pain some.
I have been on xanax for 11 yrs. Am I addicted, not as far as I'm concerned cause I don't take over what my doc rxs??? I am dependent on it for quality of life cause I have a terrible anxiety problem, there is a difference. It may also help some with the pain by relaxing me more. Tense muscles hurt.
Hi Jenny and welcome to our family. I'm glad you have a doc that understands your pain. Read and ask questions and we will be here for you.
luv and hugs