We just got a favorable decision for my husband in late Feb of this year. It was less than 2 yrs.
I found out that if you petition the court under a dire need, you can get a pushed up court date.
Example: out of work and losing your home to foreclosure. (you would have to provide copies of your late payments to all utilities, car loans, house foreclosure notice, bank statements.
If you are in this spot, they will hear your case. (We received a lot of ~wink, wink~ advice on "IF" you were in this situation........we were late on everything EXCEPT our home loan because we did not want to live under a bridge............~wink~ you can pay your home mortgage payment, so you really don't have a need. ~wink~
It is a huge gamble. We were so far behind we were almost without utilities and without our car, but the house was paid on time or most of the payment. Once it got to the point of having to catch up the other payments, we had to skip the house payments for a couple of months. That is the only reason they moved our date up.
We documented EACH new RX my hubby got. If there was a new problem, Vit D deficency, we sent that in to the lawyer. Keeping a log of the strange schedule he slept (mostly 18-20 hours a day) Pain increases, the dr. ordering new vitamins because of problems, dropping meds for new meds. All of this needs to be documented and sent in for evidence.
You also need to have mental fog documented. Trouble walking, standing, sitting, pain levels, mood swings............anything that you feel or have to have done. ER visits, hospital stays, dr. visits document, document, document.
We had our court date and we had to appear. From the paperwork, it should have been a favorable decision without having to be heard, but we were not fortunate in that and we appeared.
If you can get a friend to be a witness to your change in abilities, then you can have them stand if your lawyer sees fit to have them.
I would say get a lawyer. We went with . (I was frustrated with them because I did most of the leg work and calling.) When we got our court date, they tried to tell the court that they could not come because no lawyer had been assigned of such short notice.......our judge took the law firm to task at the end of our hearing and said he never wanted to hear of a dire needs case not having rep. in his court again. They had time to get someone on the case. Our lawyer never met with us until the day of the hearing right before we went in.
She had reviewed the case, but we felt like we were not 'taken care of' because it was so rushed and we had questions that were not answered because we never talked with the actual lawyer just the people that answer the phones when I called for 18 months.
They took the case for the max. fee allowed by Alabama only if they won the case.
I hate to say you need a lawyer, but you really do.
I took out the lawyer's name because that could leave HealingWell open to a lawsuit. I do understand your anger, though!
Post Edited By Moderator (Sherrine) : 7/12/2009 8:29:51 AM (GMT-6)