hi all,
I hope everybody is ok. Just a quick question. Can anyone tell me how bad they get with regards to fatigue and fibro fog. I feel like i'm shutting down. I get pangs of fatigue so bad i could fall asleep on the spot yet i managed to walk the dog earlier this eve. Painful, but i did it.
I feel like i'm wading through water.
The brain failure is worse, i can't remamber collegues names, the day, the date is near impossible and i keep misplacing things and despite a diary just can't remember my work rota.
I almost feel like leaving a sign on my bedside locker telling me the day, date and what time i'm working on it.
It has taken me ages to type this as nearly every word is a typo, i keep correcting.
Does everyone feel like this at some point, i know it'll subside, i hope! Just wondering, i don't take any meds that would cause this.
I left my mobile phone in the fridge and my husband finally found it after supper. Did you know there's no singal in there, you do now....... Plaese tell me i'm not cracking up.