I'm new to this forum. I usually lurk around the kidney and chronic pain forum.
I'm posting regarding my Hubby. His doctor is treating him for Fibro. After going though enough reseach to make you go insane and reading through alot of threads with him we decided the doctor is correct on the Dx.
My Hubby is being stubborn on one point. The mental fog. He is refusing to see it. I could make a funny that hes always forgetting that he forgets so maybe he just doesn't remember that he forgets ALL THE TIME. I has to take time to pull thoughts out of his mind and then state whats he wants to say.
Could this just be a stubborn denial issue? He is refusing to admit that the forgets so much. He gave my daughter 50.00 to go to the mall last week. He forgot by morning and was wondering where his money was. It took alot to get him to remember. I said "Remember sale" "Hot Topic" "50.00 dollars" "Her driving" Shes only been driving a week, all parents of new drivers will remember when their child is out driving. He forgets so many things and always says he hardly forgets.
I'm kinda at a loss. Any Advice????