When I was younger, I rarely ever had a headache. Usually, that would be b/c I was hungry. In 1997, I started to get headaches, and they were horrid. I would be at work and my head felt like it would explode. My glasses felt so tight against my head. I went to the dr, she tested me for migraines, told me that wasn't it. I was given a med for them, can't remember the name of it right now. You had to put it under your tongue. The med really didn't help, just made me sicker. I read somewhere that taking an Advil and caffeine (Pepsi, my personal choice) could help w/ this pain. It did help a bit, better than rx med, anyway.
I didn't have a problem w/ headaches very often, till just over a month ago. I had a headache that lasted a full wk, I ended up in ER and admitted to hosp. The past few wks, I have been getting them every few days for a couple of days. The past few days I have been getting a buzzing type of sensation in my gums (but not dental related), my jaws have been so tight and tense, the head feels like it is in a vise. I have rubbed the areas, used the heating pad, rubbed the roller-ball freezer thingys (technical term) on all areas. I am still living w/ this pain. I only have 1 Pepsi a day, trying to be good. I can't take Advil w/ my rx meds, so that doesn't help.
If anyone has a pretty rubber mallet that they would be willing to share, I would really appreciate the loan. We could just keep passing it around, so everyone gets a chance at pain relief.
Hope you are all having a headache-free day!!
God bless. Alice.