Well, you are right on about the hydrocodone and the tramadol. The hydrocodone helped a lot, but no doctor's around here are willing to prescribe it, unless you have had back surgery, or are suffering with cancer, (which I am thankful not to have had to face either one.)
The tramadol works a little, but seems to be messing with my head more than helping with the pain. I actually feel like it is taking away the effectiveness of the Paxil, and not giving enough of it's own to help me feel "normal". (I was on Zoloft for about 7 years, then changed through a whole slew of meds until I got to Paxil.)
I've thought about going off the Tramadol, then I think, maybe I need to be off the Lyrica, b/c it doesn't seem to do that much, I don't know what to do now. I'm lost. Do you go into what feels like a dark tunnel when you are depressed? I'm in it now. And I don't see anyone around, but me. I hate it. :*(