I can't remember anything these days, so can't remember if I have asked this before. I'm having much more pain in my neck, back, shoulders, and between my shoulder blades. Three weeks ago I noticed swollen lumps on both sides of my neck right about
the collarbones. I went to 2 family doctors, and they both said they thought it might be an inflammed muscle issue because they couldn't feel any lymph nodes, so they didn't think it was cancer. Everything online says it is cancer, TB, or Lyme disease, but I don't have the other symptoms.
Has anyone with Fibro ever developed large swollen lumps is this area? I went to a back doctor, and he's sending me for a neck MRI to see if vertebrae are pressing on the spinal cord.
I've always had sort of moderate, miserable Fibro, and don't really know if somehow this could be Fibro that has suddenly gotten much worse. I'm really scared