I am so tired of being tired! lol I just don't have any energy & can't seem to even force myself to do things that need to get done. It is really getting bad. It seems that no matter how much sleep I get, I'm still tired! I thought after finding out I had severe sleep apnea last year that it would get better once I started using my cpac, but it really hasn't. It is so bad that I will go to the bathroom and sometimes fall asleep sitting there!! I started taking Vitamin C & B12 vitamins about 9 months ago and that has not helped. Any advice or ideas, I would appreciate it.
I also have been having more and more flares & it seems like they last longer. I know that my weight gain over the last year does not help at all. I gained 40 lbs. last year after being on Lyrica & Cymbalta. That was after I had already gained about 30 lbs. over the previous 3 yrs. from sitting around and doing nothing because I was tired or hurting all the time. I bought some exercise videos my Primary doctor suggested are good for people with arthritis, so I'm hoping that will be the start of me feeling better?
I guess I just needed to vent & have someone listen! Has anyone else had problems with weight gain because of Fibro? If so, have you found anything that helps to get on the right track to losing? Thanks for listening & hope everyone is having a pain free evening!