Glad you joined, let me just say that I just weened myself off Effexor. I would caution you about this medication, it is so so hard to get off of it. Yes it was working for me for about 9 yrs, then no longer getting any benifit. My doctor advised me to ween off, but didn't tell me just how hard it would be.
I actually opened up the capsule and counted out granules to ween off slower. Took me 3 months, my doctor told me it would take maybe 3 weeks NOT... Don't want to alarm you, but you might just discuss this with your doctor.
I am now medication free, only take a pain pill once in awhile when my back is really killing me. I got onto the spiral of medication for this, and medication for the side effect of the other. It became too much, I know not everyone can be medication free, in fact it is very difficult. Do whatever helps you, there is a lot more out there then just medication, but I also realize that many need some because most of us have more then just FM...
Hope you can share ideas and hope this forum will help.