Hello. First post.
My wife started suffering from fibro and CFS about 18 months ago.
The main thing I'm struggling with is her lack of activity. It seems she has the energy to do things that she really wants to do, but has almost completely stopped helping around the house. She spends almost all of her time in bed, either on her laptop (Facebook) or watching TV.
What makes things worse is how critical she is of me and the job that I'm doing. Also, I think she is having an emotional affair through facebook, texting, and phone calls when I'm asleep or at work.
We have two small kids (7 and 10). She claims that she's easily irritated by them due to her sensitivity to sound, so she isn't really all that active with them anymore. She's pushing her parents away.
Hard to describe all of this in one post.
Guess my question is, if my wife is able to "go out" once every couple of weeks, shouldn't she be able to empty a dishwasher or fold laundry? Why isn't she finishing homework with the kids between when they get home (2:30) and I get home (5:30)?
There are so many problems between us right now. I'm trying to focus less on her "friends", but am finding myself very angry that she's seeking attention from other men while I'm feeling like a single father.
What is reasonable, given that she seems to have energy when excited about things - like going out for drinks on a weekend, or meeting one of her 'friends' down by the river for a couple of hours in the middle of the night?