im new and im reading.. i was just recently diagnosed with Fibro after having i cant count the amount of tubes of blood taken and every test known to man taken.. ive seen 3 drs.. and finally one said..well you have fibro.. went to my family dr.. she is so good but she never considered fibro (and she should seeing my MOM has it).. finally she did a pressure test and looked more at my symptoms and started me on lyrica.. ive only been on about
a month.. i still hurt like crazy.. by the afternoon/evening im dying.. dont let me sit on the couch b/c then i hurt like heck trying to move around..
what works for you? i suppose im in a "flare" because i hurt all over.. my shoulder upper back lower back across my hips and my knees.. my knees wake me up at night.. b/c they burn and hurt so bad..
do you have like HOT searing pain or just aches.. mine are like HOT blades of metal sticking in me.. ive had cortisone.. whatever nothing helps.. i do see a difference in my fatique now on the lyrica.. i do feel more rested but i still hurt.. by 7pm im done.. and i have to have a heating pad on my back ALL the time!
Post Edited By Moderator (Admin) : 8/23/2010 5:36:44 PM (GMT-6)