For diagnostic purposes, I am a big believer in extensive bloodwork, complete blood
counts, comprehensive metabolic panels, sed rates, thyroid and antibody testing.
Unfortunately there isn't a blood test to confirm Fibromyalgia, that is why it is so
important to rule out other conditions by doing bloodwork. Doctors should not presume
anything until all other possibilities are ruled out. It is challenging because bloodwork
changes. I know that is why it took forever to get my diagnosis. Not everyone with fibro
presents with the same exact symptoms. I had all the tender points, allover pain and
fatigue,migraines, muscle twitching and insomnia.
Having both fibro and MCTD, I saw many specialists to get a diagnosis. I do believe
that not all doctors are qualified to make a fibro dx and should refer their patient to a
specialist ASAP.
I will also pray for your daughter