I believe I've had FMS since I was a baby. As I started to read the LIST of symptoms yrs ago, I wanted to cry. These were the things I had been living w/ ALL my life. My family would comment on how different I was from the other children in the family. My sibs all liked to nap during the day and dropped off to sleep at night, before their bedtime. I could never nap and I had the worst time going to sleep at night. I would average about 2-3 hrs a night - and that was just before I would be up for school.
I had/have a hard time staying focused. My teachers would comment how if you only tried harder. I would read and reread everything and sometimes it just didn't make sense. I remember practicing my spelling words w/ my mother all wk long, Thurs night we would go over them again. Come Friday morning, it was if I never even looked at the words. I was told frequently how stupid I was, that certainly helped me to do better.
I enjoyed certain sports when I was a child, but could never lift and throw a basketball. I hated running, always got a 'stitch' in the side.
I had/have extremely sensitive skin. As a baby, my mother couldn't use just any soap or detergent on me or my clothes. I can't be near wool (my DH loves wool) In 7th gr I got a whole body rash that would not go away. The dr figured it was from the starch my mother used on my uniform for school. She had been starching my uniform since Kindergarten, go figure!
about 8th gr I developed eczema, tho nobody knew what it was. My arms, hands, face were always cracked and/or bleeding. I had this for so many yrs. Drs. later told me it was from washing diapers - I didn't wash them in 8th gr. I finally got rid of that by eliminating milk from my diet. I'm lactose intolerant. My niece never liked cheese or milk, my brother insisted she eat/drink them to be 'big and strong'. She is petite, lovely and suffered for yrs, w/ eczema til I found out what was causing my problem. She no longer has skin problems. Any kind of petroleum product (Vaseline, etc.) can set me off. In my state we don't pump gas, if they decide to allow customers to do it, FORGET it. I will pay extra to have it done. Gas fumes make my skin break out.
I don't like tags on my clothes, don't like things around my neck, don't care for anything confining - shoes, socks, etc. Yet I need them for warmth, balance, etc. Can't wait to get in the house and take them off. Along w/ my watch and wedding ring. Can't wear them in the house.
When I saw the list I was so happy to finally have an answer to all my questions, it was just hard to get drs to hear what I was saying.
Cat, if you think of more items on that dr's list pls share them. I am very interested.
My 2 sons have certain things like I experienced, my daughter doesn't, thank God.
My hands are tired and my brain, too, so I will leave this list for now.
God bless. Alice.