For the last year i've been experiancing some bothersome symptoms. Started with heavy tiredness, i wake up ok, but give it 5 hours or so and would need to take a nap. My upper arms and legs started getting muscle spasms really bad, nothing helped, thought i would have to go to the er. All my bloodwork was negative. Not long after I was diagnosed with a very fast heart rate and medicated for such. I started falling and unable to keep my balance, as of now i fall a few times a week. The pain in my arms and legs is so bad sometimes i cant sleep. Sometimes i get numbness and tingling in my hands and feet and pins and needles. I have to pee all the time, right after i go, i feel like i havent even gone--workup for infection was negative. I've always had migraine headaches, but as of this year they have gotten worse and recently stared taking topomax . This seems to help somewhat with the feeling of "standing in an ice bucket" burning. I have developed a chronic ringing in my ears
24/7. Get flashes of light in my eyes. All the time heartburn, does not matter what i eat. My thought process is off, unfortunatly, im unsure if this is a symptom or a cause. I am not a depressed person, maybe slight anxiety over this, but lets face it, who wouldnt be. I've been worked up neurologically by 2 specialist. In the past had endometriosis and ovarian cyst removed x2. My pain/ symptoms seem to peak about
2-3 days before getting my period........I have an appt with a rhumatologist on the 7th of jan. I think the dr's think i am crazy!! Please help.
PS, im usually on the ms forum, that was what they originally thought this was............neg. test tho
I didn't edit the body of your post. I just added a title in the subject line so you will get more responses.
Post Edited By Moderator (Sherrine) : 12/10/2009 12:08:44 PM (GMT-7)