Sumer, Sending you gentle hugs and prayers. We are here for you to help you through the rough stretches. Let your doctor know how you are feeling. If you are feeling depressed and anxious you might benefit from taking a SSRI or SNRI. Getting some
relief will only help you deal with the day to day challenges of fibro.
I have been taking Savella a SNRI and it has helped with the pain and in keeping my
serotonin levels up. I try to take only one day at a time. The serenity prayer helps me
get through the day. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference."
Focus on what you can do to help yourself relieve some stress. Is there something you enjoy that helps distract you from the pain? Walking helps me physically and emotionally,
it is a release for me. I feel better after a walk, it clears my head and gives me more energy.
Life can be enjoyable, you must believe it can. I too mourned the loss of my good health and felt grief and anger. It does take work, but you have to know you are worth
fighting for and like Sarah said " You are stronger than you realize."
Have faith in yourself, Sumer. I believe it is possible to ejoy life. Post often and let us
help if we can.
Hugs, Robin