Hi Danijav, I have MCTD (lupus, scleroderma & RA) along with fibro. Steroids(prednisone)
has no affect on fibro because fibro isn't an inflammatory disorder even though it sure feels
like it. I knew I also had fibro because when I was on a prednisone taper, the visible
joint inflammation and pain was better, but the deep pain and achiness remained. A tender
point exam confirmed it.
My legs get a bone crushing feeling. I take Savella which is a SNRI like Cymbalta. I also take
a muscle relaxer Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine). The muscle relaxer really helps with taking the
edge off, and I take it when I am flaring only. I can't drive while I'm on it.
Soaking in a hot bath also helps with the leg pain. Any heat source will help.
Hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Robin
PS It took about 7 weeks before I had noticed any difference on the Savella, we all
tolerate meds differently and hopefully you will find relief soon