Hi Singler,
Welcome to the HealingWell Fibromyalgia forum. You have found a good place. I think that you will like it here.
As Puppylover said, do check out the fibro101 thread. It has all kinds of great information. You will learn a lot about fibro there and it will verify what you are feeling.
Try to keep moving as much as possible. And drink a lot of water, this keeps your muscles hydrated. The malic acid/magnesium supplements work wonders too. I think it is worth a try.
How come you haven't started the Lyrica yet? Are you looking for other's experiences? Because it doesn't always work for everybody, the best thing for you to do would be to try it. That way you would know if it works for you.
I hope that you start feeling better soon. As you will find out fibro waxes and wanes. Sometimes you feel good, sometimes you don't. But it isn't anything any of us can't handle. We kind of roll with it. That is all that you can do.
Have a wonderful evening.
Hugs, Karen