The first time I had pleurisy, it was following a very nasty case of pneumonia (also the first time I had pneumonia). I have had both several times, and also costochondritis. I couldn't get rid of that whole mess for almost 2 months, the first time.
My dr didn't seem to think it was really bad, since I didn't have a fever. I rarely have a fever, by her standards. I have very low temp normally, so by the time I get to 98.6, that is a fever for me! When I wasn't responding to her meds, she was rather dismissive, it couldn't be that bad. I have since P, P, & C several times, and I have S O B. The dr never made any connections to FMS, then or later. She really didn't (doesn't) understand FMS, so we had a parting of the ways.
The whole thing is terribly painful, I do hope you are feeling better.
God bless. Alice.