Hi TressiaN,
Welcome to the fibromyalgia forum. I am glad to see you here.
You sure have a lot on your plate right now and it sounds like you are suffering with a little depression too. Which goes hand and hand with the fibromyalgia.
Are you seeing a good pain specialist for this? Are you on any pain meds? I take norco and soma for the pain and adderall for the fatigue, I am also on antidepressants and a mood stabilizer. So I am full of medications, but it helps me function so I don't mind it.
I am sorry for what happened when you were younger, you said that you really hadn't dealt with it. Are you going to any counseling now? That might be a good thing to consider.
I am sorry that your husband is overseas. That must be difficult for you. But you said that you were use to it so maybe that isn't such a factor here, but it seems like it would effect you to a point.
If you get a chance, try looking over fibro101, it is the second thread on the forum. There you will read a lot of information and see that we all are dealing with the same thing and the different ways we cope. It is an interesting thread.
A lot of us take medications, some of us use natural supplements, we are all different in that way, but all the same when it comes to symptoms and supporting eachother. I know that you will find support here.
Please keep posting, click where it says reply. It will be at the end of the thread. You can also do quick reply, that works well too.
Best wishes for you to have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Karen