puppylover said...
Has anyone had dental implants? I'm having the post put in next week and am wondering what to expect afterwards. I'm a little nervous about it.
in nov 2008 i was head butted by a horse, breaking my jaw, nose and killing my tooth. jan 2009 i got the surgery to have a dental implant, surgery wasn't that bad but the healing progress wasn't the best i re-broke my jaw from the screw and built up an infection was on penicillin for 5 months and could not get my final tooth, i also had to have 3 minor surgeries after wards and the thought of taking it out came up a few times, it wasn't that pleasant...finally in dec 2009 i received my final tooth! and it's all done! its still a bit painful from time to time but it's nothing serious, also it depends on what tooth it is, mine was my very front tooth where it's more sensitive.
don't let this scare you! also they say the older you are its worse, don't let them say that! i was 19 when i got mine! and im almost 21 and still going on with it! but they did a GREAT job and you can hardly tell it's there! and alot of people don't even notice it! but it take awhile to get use too!
but best wishes!
here is a xray of mine! very scary to know thats in my jaw!