Oh boy did you come to the right place to ask about
pets! Some of us are even considered a little on the nuts side of loving their animals...yes, me!! My "boys" are my world. I have two Golden Retrievers and they are everything to me. I have had Goldens for over 25 years, a total of five. I also had a Bichon Frise and a mutt, Cassidy. Oh yes, also had three cats! I really believe without my boys, there would be days I would not get out of bed. They need to be fed and exercised...only down side to having dogs and high energy ones at that, but on the other hand, they do encourage me to exercise, if only to take them out in the yard and play. Otherwise, I walk them. And they love me unconditionally in return. Lately I have had a lot of tear filled days (withdrawing from antidepressants) and my Cheyenne is so sensitive to my tears, it is just amazing. He is always there to give me a big ol furry hug and kiss my tears away. My "kids" have always slept in our (my DH and my) bed, always, including the cats. In fact Herbie, our Bichon, use to sleep right next to me and then our cats would be surrounding him...so sweet! The funny thing is, as high energy as my Goldens are, they seem to sense when I'm having a bad pain day. As much as they love to play, go for walks, wrestle, they just seem to know when there are days I just can't do it. I cannot imagine my life without my boys!