Hi, Samantha, and welcome! I see that Marlee directed you to the Fibro 101 page. In there, there is a link listing symptoms of fibromyalgia. It sure sounds like you have a lot of them. Anyway, you could print out the list and highlight the symptoms that are happening to you. This might get your doctor to listen. It's really difficult when you have a doctor that doesn't listen to you.
Unfortunately, there are still doctors out there that think this is all in our heads! Yeah, right! I'm sure there are other doctors in your medi-cal plan that you could call and see if they treat patients with fibromyalgia. Instead of looking under the "general practioner" list, try looking under the "Internist" list. They have more education than a general practioner but they are also used as a primary care physician. I know that's what I would do. I personally use a board certified Internist as my main doctor and he has done a good job for me.
Another suggestion is keep a journal. Link #13 in Fibro 101 has a pain journal you can print out and also it shows good ways to describe your pain levels. Keep the journal, along with your pain levels with certain activities, and that will help a doctor to determine what might be going on with you. Between the pain journal and the highlighted symptoms, they can see what you are going through.
Marlee is correct in that tests should be run to rule out other illnesses before a diagnosis of fibromyalgia is given. A lot of the tests are done through blood work so perhaps they have already been completed. If you do change doctors, get your records from the first doctor. Remember, the records belong to YOU. You/insurance paid for his services and you should have a record of what has been done. A new doctor would want to see what tests have been run so they don't duplicate them.
We are here to help you. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Let us know what happens because we really do care about you, okay? Hope to hear more from you soon.