I have been checked for Lyme Disease and was positive and treated for it. The thing is that I was tested at Vanderbilt and most of the doctors there believe that Lyme doesn't exist in Tennessee where I live. It's odd that I was tested for it at all, but they ended up saying that my positive was slight and they treated me as a precaution. However, my regular doc (who used to work for Vanderbilt and has his own clinic now) tells me that he has seen Lyme here and that it was very possible that I had it. Perhaps it caused this flare up in me too?
I also had a positive monospot (though I had mono 6 years ago), and was really really sick with something in January of last year. I understand that stress or illness can cause fibro. Seems like a good possibility.
I never had any of the swelling in my joints that comes from Lyme Disease. My joints hurt, but the pain seems to actually come from the point that the muscle connects to the joint or bone (is this something like myofacial pain?). I actually had a chiropractor tell me that the place I pointed to at my hip was the tensor facia lata - the tissue that connects the muscle to the bone.
Because my ANA and rheumatoid factor are normal and there is no swelling or redness in my joints, fibro seems like a possibility. I wonder if my otherwise healthy lifestyle is keeping it under control. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, limit sugar, never drink cokes and get at least a little exercise - maybe I'm keeping it from being very bad? I have actually noticed that the pain comes on or gets worse if I go for weekend eating junk food.
I'm just still not convinced that I have fibro because whatever is going on with me seems so mild. But at the same time, it is enough to cause problems in my life and has been going on for so long now.
The main thing that has concerned my doc is my constant fever. Has anyone else experienced chronic fever?
Thank you all so much for all of your answers and please continue to post! I appreciate the information so much as all of you can understand, I'm sure!! I have read through the resources in Fibro101 and am continuing to learn. Thanks again!!