Came home from a long shopping trip with DD and Grandbubby and was in a lot of pain. Don't usually do so much walking, but I needed some new clothes and the little one needs something to wear that fits her. They sure do grow fast! Anyway, Daughter reminded me to take something when we walked in the door and suggested aspirin. She is 27 and just discovered it herself. She had never had it growing up because of the possibility of Reyes Syndrome.
Anyway... (I do babble on, don't I?) I took two aspirin and twenty minutes later I was able to sit and read to Granddaughter with NO pain... none... at all. I was astounded. I haven't taken aspirin for anything other than a headache in years! I've been using ibuprophen, darvocet and a bunch of other new fangled pain stuff and here I have aspirin sitting in the cabinet... Hubby takes it for his back pain so we always have it.
So, I started taking it with a bit of food or milk regularly and it's helping with my fibro, just as much as the stronger and more expensive meds. I believe I've found a new tool to fight this disorder.