Hi pennstate, welcome to the family! I'm sorry you are going through so much pain.
It is frustrating to hurt and not have the pain relief you need.
Getting a diagnosis is not always easy. Many of the symptoms of fibro overlap with
many other conditions. Bloodwork is usually done to rule out the connective tissue diseases, and some of us have a CTD and fibro, so it does take time.
Your rheumy will do a tender point exam. There are 18 designated tender points that
are checked, on both sides of your body above and below your waist.
Stress will cause more pain, do what you can to keep the stress down. I walk, it does
help with the stress and it helps you from getting stiff. I'm also a big believer in relaxation
therapy, deep breathing and meditation. Take long soaks in a hot bath. Heat is a fibromites
friend. Most of us use bedbuddies or heating pads.
Many people with fibro are vitamin D deficient and that can cause pain. Finding pain relief
is trial and error for most of us. we all tolerate meds differantly. I take a SNRI, Savella
daily and Cyclobenzaprine for flares.
My fibro pain is an allover achiness that I feel on a daily basis with fatigue. When I'm flaring my allover pain is feels deep and bone crushing, sometimes with needlestick
pain and tingling. Not all fibromites will descibe their pain the same way. Fatigue is
overwhelming on somedays and somedays the pain is overwhelming.
If you haven't already, check out fibro 101 on the top of page one. It is a wonderful
resource for fibromites.
It is natural to be scared when you hurt and don't have a dx. We are all here for you.
Take one day at a time. Come here often and you will find that the members are caring
and very understanding, Glad you have joined us.
Hugs, Robin