Hi there...I have the same trouble. I watched "Medical Mysteries" one night, and knew I had my husband diagnosed! LOL! He was waking up tired and groggy, gaining weight, feeling lathargic, etc. I knew he had sleep apnea. Well, he went to have the test done, and got 3/4 of the way through it, and walked out b/c he was so frustrated with the whole thing. They got enough info though to see he really had it.
He got the CPAP machine, and HATED it! It did help though, so he stuck it out for a couple years, and couldn't stand to be without it. Well, he started having some trouble with it lately, and quit using it again. Now he tries desperately to sleep on his stomach. But he'll get turned in the night, and start snoring....and wake me up. once I get him to turn over it stops. Anyhow, the CPAP machine really does work.
Aside from all that...my Mom and Dad have been married 47 years and just in the last few months stopped sleeping in the same room because of my Mom's snoring! :) They both said they are getting the best sleep they've ever had! :)