My daughter is 17 and has had pain through out her body since she can remember. We started going to doctors when she was 12. Some say it could be fibro others say no way. It continues to get worse with every day. I am so scared for her the pain is so bad. She hurst everywhere. The pain in her legs can get so bad she can not stop crying then it will move to somewhere else on her body. The pain can last a long time or just a few short minutes. She is sensitive to the touch so bad that even a drop of water can make her cry. She has so many pains I can not list them all. Over the past year the pains have increased to where life is hard. She has new systems lately she is having a hard time breathing. She has rash looking areas on her body when she is in warm water. The rash will fade after a while. Warm and cold water is painful.
She has no reflexes in her arm and little in her legs. the doctor is running another nerve conduction test on Monday. I can not take watching her hurt so bad. It is killing not being able to do anything. Does this sound like Firbo or something else....