The last two days have been left hand and left calf. I was awake off and on last night, it's driving me crazy. It's not painful just feel like a freak. Tingling in the legs too, fun, NOT.
Last week, I had shorts on, my daughter somehow rubbed her jeans against my leg and I wanted to scream back away.
Today I was leaning with one hand on the door, the arm started to tremble. Clean glass my muscles hurt.
The pain isn't bad, that comes and goes, I can deal with that.
You know not being diagnosed can drive a person crazy, I'm about ready to call the doctor but I feel like she doesn't take me seriously.
I looked it up anixety can cause these symptoms but I don't feel anxious; ok I am worried about what is going on but I also tell myself 3 months ago, I struggled to lift a gallon of milk and now can do it without problems.
I don't know what to do, I want to hear that I will be ok.