I don't think I can take this much more................details below
I have had the runs / severe cramping and stomach bloating since December. I have had an endoscope, colonoscopy, ct scan, tons of bloodwork checking for parasites, bacteria and whatnot. We eat healthy, not fatty or greasy stuff.
This happens anytime of day or night. Doesn't matter what I eat. I am only taking my meds, no vitamins and I even quit coffee for 2 weeks. It doesn't fit celiac or chrons and I was told those would have shown up on the cololoscopy a few months ago.
I am not looking for a diagnosis but ANY ideas would be appreciated. I get so tired sometimes that I have to take a nap and hubby freaks out, naps are a no no to him.......pfftttt to him.
I know fibro causes tiredness but I can usually handle that but the draining, stomach hurting thing wipes me out.
Thank you!!!!!