Libby, I didn't have a clue that my vitamin D level was low. I just ached, had a lot more pain, etc., and knew it was fibro. Then my doctor checked my vitamin D levels because I was complaining the the pain was getting worse. I was quite low, even though I had been taking 1,000 IU for over a year! He had me take 2,500 IU and checked the blood three months later. I was still low. Then he bumped me up to 3,500 IU...still low again. When he bumped me up to 4,500 IU I noticed a difference in my pain levels in a couple of days! I'm now just barely normal. The scale at the lab is 32-100 is normal and I'm 33. I want to take another 1,000 IU but want to talk to him first.
My pain is not as intense and I'm not as tired either. We are getting into the summer season and that usually is my worst time with fibro. So far, I've been really good. Also, in the winter, I suffer from bad pain in my feet. This has been going on for years but it didn't happen this winter. I started the extra vitamin D in January. Hope this helps.