Hi Saintsfan,
Yes, I work full time at a large university. I was diagnosed with fibro in the middle of my master's program where between research, teaching, and my courses, I was working nearly 80 hours per week. I worked full time for a year after that, but took off the month of July because I start a PhD program in September. It will consist of 20 hours a week doing research and many many hours studying. It will be more than full time. I am nervous about the fog, especially since yesterday and today were so bad. Hubby said instead of a dream catcher, I need a thought catcher. On top of that I am flaring really badly today and the percocet didn't even work.
The things that help are taking frequent breaks to get up and move around and get some air, healthy eating, and walking 10 minutes a couple of times, vitamins, deep breathing, stretching. I am also supposed to stop halfway to work and get out and walk around my car. My commute is over an hour each way. But I havent done it yet. Good luck figuring out what to do and with your meeting with the boss.