Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to intoduce myself. I am 37 years old. I was dx with Fibro over a year ago, after 20 years of being told I could not hurt that bad, and that I was making it up to get attention. I hurt my back farming right after I got married ( at 19). These days, I can't remember a day of not being in pain. 10 Years ago I got rear-ended by a kid in a truck with no insurance. Again Doctors said I couldn't hurt as bad as I said. I quit going to the Doctor, and just sufferred, until my sister found me on the floor. I couldn't move. Ended up in the hospital on Morphine. I finally got sent to a back specialist. I need to have disc replacement. Same Doctor than DX'd Fibro. His advice was to skip the surgery
because I would be in pain everyday for the rest of my life anyway, so why bother. All they seem to do is tell me to take more pills.
I love my family, but they just don't understand. I found this site about 5 months ago. It has really helped me. The first month I think I cried everytime I read a post because finally I didn't feel alone. I Was really beginning to think I was going crazy. I live in a small town that just started a Fibro support group. I gave out your website to everyone.
I just wanted to say Thank You for all the info. and advise. I Actually do have a question. I have a familly wedding to attend. It is 15 hours away, We are only going for the weekend. So 30 hours in a car in 3 days, and I am in a bad flare. I don't know how I am going to make it. Any Advice?
Thank You for listening, Have a great day.