So with this fibro thing I am not at the point where my clothing hurts. I had to search high and low for a very soft tshirt I can wear under my work clothes and tucked into my pants to prevent the pants waist band from bothering me. I thought I bought some comfy cotton sweaters to wear on top of the tshirts, but it ends up they also are irritating my arms. I thought I found really comfy tank tops to wear to work under jackets, but it ends up they have stitching around the arm holes and neck that really irritate me.
Anyone else have this problem?
Anyone have any recommendations for wear to get a soft comfy 100% cotton tank top for women, that has no stiching on it around the neck or arms, and has no nylon in it (I think nylon is worse at making me irritated)?????
Unfortunately I can't show up for work in no bra, a tshirt and sweat pants like I would like to