Hi, and welcome! I'm so glad you found us and joined the family. We are all pretty familiar with what you are going through now. But, you will find what controls your pain and you will have a full and enjoyable life in spite of this illness.
I developed fibro while watching TV. It started in my feet and worked it's way up my body in a 45 minute period. When it hit my elbows it was like I had banged both arms badly on the nerve (funny bone). You know what that feels like...electrical shocks running down into my hands and fingers. The only difference was that it didn't even begin to clear up for two weeks! I couldn't do much of anything but cry. But, I figured out what helped me with my pain and I've had a great life so far so keep that thought!
Be sure to check out Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good information about fibro and you will learn a lot there.
I use ibuprofen with food, extra strength Tylenol, vitamin D3, and malic acid/magnesium supplements to help with my pain and fatigue. I put links about the supplements in Fibro 101 and it tells how they work in the body. Always talk to your doctor first, though.
Also gentle stretching and gentle exercises help with the pain. There are some stretching exercises on Fibro 10 that do help. Walking and swimming are my gentle exercises that I can do daily. I couldn't walk far at first but I continued to try and I got stronger and in less pain! I now walk at least a mile first thing in the morning and walk around all day, too. This makes my pain less, gives me more energy, and helps burn calories, too. It's a wonderful exercise that is good for fibro as well as your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. Perfect!
Don't hesitate to ask questions. We are here to help you. I hope to hear more from you soon.