I, too, often have foot pain and pressure on the bottom of my feet. I've been taking Flexeril and Neurontin, but they make me SO sleepy. Lately I've been taking Calm Tabs at night (I take 2) which I buy at Puritan's Pride. Don't laugh, but I'm also trying the "bar of soap cure" where you put a bar of Ivory or other soap under the fitted sheet of your bed. Supposedly something in the soap leaches into the body through the feet--sodium--something? Just started this, though. I also eat bananas for potassium and drink Gatorade for electrolytes.
It helps me to wear 2 layers of socks, and also some comfortable soft insoles from Wal-Mart. I also try to walk barefoot on tip toe every morning to stretch the foot. My feet are VERY fussy--in the winter I get a lot of numb spots and occasional ones in warmer weather. They sometimes spasm and cramp, and I can't stay on my feet for long, especially in one position. Lightweight running shoes help. Famous Footwear has some good deals--usually buy 1 and get the next pair for half price.
Best of luck!!