We just found out today. He has been losing weight rapidly and that is why. He has Lymphoma and the lymph nodes are swelling around his heart causing a heart mumor. I have been upset all day and of course, I've started flaring again. I could barely get out of bed. My daughter had to help me up. The vet gave him steroids and pain medicine to "make him comfortable". I have a soft place in my heart for animals. They are like family to me. I mean, I even save mice. I know that sounds crazy, but I just cannot hurt an animal and I don't like seeing them suffer. So now, it's just a wait game. He is still getting up and moving around and the vet said as soon as he stops doing that, that we need to bring him in to be put down. UGH!! She said if we don't put him down, that he will suffer really bad. I do not believe in putting animals down but I cannot stand to see him suffer either. We've had him now for 13 years so this is very hard for me. What a decision "I" have to make. I am just barely getting over my dad dying last year and now this. It just seems like things have been happening alot since I've been sick and I am stuck in bed not able to do anything.
Anyway, I don't want to be a debbie downer. I just needed to vent because I am angry at this disease.